Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Self-therapy: 2014 in Review

Welcome to the cusp of 2015.

This was a banner year for me. I wrote my thesis, I graduated college, I worked a summer at Haverford, I spent a couple weeks in Minnesota, I slummed around, I got a job, I moved to Philadelphia. It's been one of those watershed years in which your life on December 31 looks nothing like it did on January 1.

Of course, 2014 was also the first year of Post-Credit Coda! One year ago today I was in a dire mood, so I made this blog and posted this post because I couldn't muster up the willpower to do anything else. That has grown into something of a hidden theme on this blog. I spent a decent portion of this year stressed, depressed, or suffering from severe writer's block. Oftentimes I would turn here as a sort of self-therapy; when there was nothing else in the world I could think to write about, I could always write about movies. It was my recourse, my outlet. MY SALVATION.

I may be giving the wrong impression. When a new Post-Credit Coda post pops up, you shouldn't be thinking, "Oh no! I do hope he's alright, the poor sweet dear." I come here just as often, if not more often, because I am excited about something. Sometimes movies electrify me in a way few things can, and I love sharing that energy with others.

So I want to take this opportunity to thank you. If you honestly and truly appreciate the work I'm doing here, share it with others! Unlike my personal blog, which I wouldn't expect a stranger to give a flying poop about, my hope is that this blog could be relevant to anybody who has an interest in the movies I feature. On the other hand, if you think my film writing is hackneyed and only click on these posts because you know me, thank you anyway, for selflessly and invisibly patronizing me (in both senses of the word).

In other words, if you are reading this right now, and I know you are--thank you. If you have engaged me in conversation by saying, "Hey, I read your blog post," thank you even more. If you are a silent but constant lurker, thank you less than the second sentence of this paragraph but more than the first.

I've gotten a lot of good feedback, some honest feedback, and a handful of requests. Keep them coming!

It should go without saying that I plan on continuing this blog into the new year. If you have any ideas for how this blog could grow or develop, send them my way. Improvements currently on the docket include a dedicated Review Index page, and a permanent webpage background that I don't change every few months. As of now, I've made a couple of alterations to the sidebar. You can now see The Posts with the Mosts, which are the top five most visited posts of the past 30 days. Also, I have finally delineated my Rating System. I have gotten numerous complaints (all from the same person) that my rating system is skewed, and that my scores are too high. Putting aside the fact that I often do err on the side of generosity, and the fact that I tend to watch movies I think I will like, the perceived skew is because 7 is an average score in my system, not 5. I grade movies as you might an academic essay: 70% is average, 60% is sub-par, below 60% is failing.

With that in mind, let's look at some year-long statistics!*

This year Post-Credit Coda featured a total of 40 blog posts, including 33 movie reviews, 3 new top ten lists1 manifesto, 1 audio review, and 1 trailer review.

Of the 33 movie reviews, the average score was a slightly-above-average 7.6 out of 10.

The highest score, a perfect 10, belongs to Her.

The lowest score, an abysmal 2.5, belongs to Stargate.

The breakdown is as follows:

Score - Number of Movies with that Score

10 - 1
9/9.5 - 10
8/8.5 - 9
7/7.5 - 6
6/6.5 - 1
5/5.5 - 2
4/4.5 - 2
3/3.5 - 1
2/2.5 - 1
1/1.5 - 0
0/0.5 - 0

The total number of hits, according to Blogger's Stats page: 4,913. If I add up the number of hits on each specific blog post, the total is 2,805. Don't ask me about the discrepancy.

Of the 39 eligible posts, the average number of hits per post was 72.

The highest number of hits, an impressive 265, was my Edge of Tomorrow review.

The lowest number of hits, a paltry 13, was my Stargate review. I don't blame you.

All in all, 2014 was a stupendous year for film, as will be reflected in my impending Top Ten of 2014 list (I promise it won't take me until December to release it this time). Let's hope 2015 will be at least 65% as good as 2014 was. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride! Catch you on the flip side.

Allow me to play you out with a song.

*For the purposes of these stats, I have included my inaugural post, even though it was technically published in 2013.

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